Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank God for cable . .

. . .otherwise I'd have to watch 48. You haven't heard of it? It's on every channel. It stars president Obama and, at the rate he's going of at least one press conference every month, in 4 years it'll be 48. I expect the suspense will wear off once people realize how it's going to end.

It's very predictable. Promise the world and deliver very little. Americans today love to be told they can get something for nothing. But in the end that goes against a natural law that just can't be changed. So either Obama raises taxes in an attempt to pay for his historically high spending programs or they just don't happen. And if he raises taxes it'll stymie economic growth so the promises will again be empty. Or he deficit spends and we experience 70's like inflation. All very predictable indeed.

The only thing we can hope for is a dramatic mid season plot change and the American people vote Pelosi and Reid off the show!

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