Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I hate this time of year.

One week until "The Deadline" - April 15th, tax day

Why is this day such a dread for millions of Americans? I think we, as a nation, should pay some taxes to support the basic functions of government. Therein lies the first problem - the basic functions of government. Those used to be; provide for the common defense and help lift up the downtrodden.

Now those "basic" functions include funding public radio, abortion, the 'arts', studying cow farts, subsidizing farmers and energy, providing cable TV to inmates, buying banks and corporations, repressing the downtrodden (ie. welfare), supporting illegal immigrants, funding failing schools, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, . . . and now they want to add health care!!

Second, it has to be Fair. What does that mean? Fair to whom. Fair to the people who pay the most or fair to the people who don't pay at all. Fair is a subjective term and is the cause all of the angst in the tax debate.

Third, it is way to freakin' complicated. I'm pretty smart. I got me one of them college educations and I still struggle to figure out the best way for me to pay only what I "owe". When you have to buy tax software to fill out your tax returns you know it is too complicated. When prominent members of the Obama cabinet don't pay their taxes, the system is either too complicated or they're just crooks. I leave that to you to decide.

Our tax system is a joke. But I have one more week to play the game and figure out the best way to pay the least. That's the way they set the game up and that's the way I'm gonna play it.

Gosh I hope that's fair.

1 comment:

  1. It really is one messed up tax system. You've highlighted some really good stuff, too.

    "Many of our troubles are due to the fact that our people turn to politicians for everything."
    ~Margaret Thatcher
