Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I hate this time of year - Part 2

The deadline is tomorrow. Are you ready? Did you eek out every last cent from your tax return? How crazy is this system we have? I just put my returns in the mail today. I don't want to be late. Not only is the tax code way too complicated but we also have to feel intimidated by our own government.

Taxes are a typical example of our government in action. They have so complicated the system that we need not only an entire department (the IRS) but we now have a whole industry of tax preparation experts and software. Imagine what these people will do to health care!

What I hate most though is the hypocrisy. Think about this; we have rich people setting up the rules that are going to tax the rich. Think fox guarding the hen house people. Economic statistics continue to show that in periods of higher tax rates, tax revenue goes down. Now there are two reasons for this. One, high tax rates hurt economic growth so there is less money to tax. Two, the "rich" folks find ways to not pay. The rich in charge are careful to put enough loopholes in for themselves and their contributors.

Warren Buffet himself confirmed this. He was quoted as saying that it's not right that he pays less in taxes then his secretary does. Well who's fault is that? Mr. Buffet I'm sure you are aware that the government will gladly take a check from you at anytime. Or feel free to not claim all your deductions and help this country out. Tell your accountants and lawyers you want to pay your fair share. They'll help you out.

So, as my returns are on their way to the IRS, I'll lay in bed at night wondering if I got my taxes right. Did I maximize my return? Or, did I make a mistake and not pay enough? This will keep me up for a while but then I'll roll over and sleep soundly knowing that, on the off chance I owe back taxes, at least I'll have a place in Obama's cabinet.

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