Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a waste of a person - and a blog

How else would you describe Perez Hilton and his blog? I will not mention the blog's name because I don't want to draw anymore attention to it. But I think this whole Miss USA ordeal needs to be addressed.

I'm pretty neutral on the beauty pageant debate. Since we are in America (and we are still free -so far), if beautiful woman want to compete for a crown - great. If you don't agree, don't watch it and don't support it. But if you are going to go through all the effort to put on the Miss USA Pageant then have dignified, quality judges. Perez Hilton does not qualify on either count.

The guy has a celebrity gossip blog! That qualifies him for nothing. He asked Miss California her opinion on gay marriage and apparently did not like her response. I saw the video clip. Her response was intelligent, well thought out, and said in a way that should have offended no one. Unfortunately for her, it was not the response Hilton wanted and he said it cost her the title.

I'm not even going to tell you what her answer was because it shouldn't matter. Let's see; beauty pageant - beauty, grace, poise, intelligence. Since when does personal opinion and conviction come into play? Perez has continued on today and has thrown obscenities at Miss California. All class this guy! Way to advance your argument you ass.

I find two things disturbing about this whole thing:

First is that this guy can make a career out of this garbage. I can only hope it is a short lived one.

Second, and more importantly, is this growing trend that people cannot speak out. The kooks are running the show right now and anyone that disagrees get eviscerated in the "press".

Something's got to change and it needs to start now.

Wow I wish I would've made my point as well as Andrea Tantaros did. Check out htis link:

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you! More and more I'm seeing conservative people, who merely want to protect and defend the Constitution, being referred to as "extremists," and right-wing nuts. I guess the whole freedom of speech thing has gone to the wayside, along with personal responsibility, accountability, dignity. Sad, but not surprising, given the "hope and change" that 52% of our voting nation apparently wanted. Let's just hope that those folks who cling to their guns and religion never stop.
