Sunday, April 19, 2009

Free speech means free for Everyone

The Main Stream Media decided not to cover the lead up to the Tea Party protests. It was amazing. Not one MSM outlet even mentioned them - CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC nothing. Talk about collusion. Then it's post coverage treated them like they were anti-American, right wing extremist gatherings.

When did the MSM decide the truth wasn't important? The protests were attended by Americans from all political parties. Their angst was about government being too large, too intrusive, and yes high taxes. They were anti-big government which, in my mind, is very pro American!

The MSM loves to promote stories about flag burning, anti-Bush protests, etc, as examples of free speech. But when free speech demonstrations don't mesh with their liberal bias, they are quick to vilify the participants. They should have covered this great story of Americans exercising their first amendment right as just that, even if it suggests their messiah is wrong.

Oh and a second, but just as important, outcome of the tea parties is that the GOP has learned how to grow a grassroots, Internet based movement. This should bode well for future elections.

If they are allowed their first amendment right that is!

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