Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Can you say Over Reaching?

I'm as big a college football fan as there is, and I want a Division 1 playoff instead of this ridiculous BCS setup, but does Congress really need to get involved? Anyone out there who voted for your congress man or woman so they can straighten out college football please respond.

I must admit, though, that at least they can't do any real damage to the country if they're meddling in something as pressing as the BCS. But here's something they can screw up: The Senate wants to make sure newspapers stay viable. Here's the article:

I think the free market should decide what is viable. I heard today that the New York Times is raising the paper price to $2.00 for week days and $6.00 for Sunday! Looks like the Internet is taking it's toll on the poor NYT. Here's an idea, put out a product people want or go away. It's just that simple.

So now the government wants to get involved in the press! Wow, I mentioned an Orwellian moment before but this takes the cake. They already have National Public Radio and now they want control of the "free" press. I'm no constitutional scholar, and I know that our country is founded on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but where does saving newspapers fit in?

Rest assured people, there will be no hidden (or actually overt) agendas and your tax dollars will be well spent because government is so efficient.

Oh and by the way, the price of a stamp goes up to $0.44 on Monday.

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