Sunday, April 26, 2009

Words can be dangerous

No doubt Obama is the master orator - at least when he's reading from a teleprompter. I don't understand why people love it when someone can sweet talk them. I don't know anyone that likes the used car salesmen shtick. But they sure love the fact that Obama is the best at saying nothing. It got him elected.

However, now that he's president, his words really matter. He loves the words fair and reasonable. These are feel good words that can be dangerous. He told those big bad credit card companies that he wants them to make a reasonable profit. Reasonable to whom? Are we going to let the President, or worse yet Congress, set profit levels? I would much rather let the market decide that.

The government is now deciding what banks will survive, what car companies will survive and what cars they will make. And now it's on to credit cards. And Obama's done this in fewer than 100 days! We are moving towards full blown socialism at lightening speed.

The other dangerous word Obama loves to throw around is fair. Again, fair to whom? It sure is a great populist message. I mean who doesn't want a fair tax code? But is it fair that some people pay no taxes while others pay 90% of all taxes? Is it fair that politicians, who help shape the tax code, don't pay their taxes? Well that must be fair since several of these are now in Obama's cabinet.

If we just sit back and do nothing, this administration and Congress will do what they think is reasonable and fair - and none of us can afford that!

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