Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Forget Global waming. . .

What about Global Stopping?

Have you heard this? Forget Global Warming people - the Earth is stopping; its rotation is slowing! I can't believe I'm on this before Al Gore. This is real. Check out:


Physicists have known this for years and there is actual science behind their findings. Where is the outrage? Where is the government intervention to stop this? The days are getting longer. Every 18 months or so we have to add a leap second to planetary time to keep the day consistent with atomic clocks. I'm sure mankind's (and woman's too) evil doings are behind this crisis and it just can not continue.

Unions will demand even more pay because their work day is longer. There will be even more reality shows because people will have more time to waste. The animals' bio rhythms are going to be out of whack and they'll become extinct (this might have done in the dinosaur). Obama's term will be more then 4 years. That's it, something has to be done.

I think the first thing to do is get some high profile celebrities on board to get the message out. Everyone knows that they carry incredible weight on all things political and scientific. Maybe we get John Travolta or Tom Cruise. Anyone in Scientology ought to be credible about Global Stopping. I even have the theme song: "Stop the World I'll Melt With You" by Modern English.

Now I don't want to cause a panic. Scientists aren't sure what will happen and we do have a billion years or so before it's too late. But just imagine that December day on an Alaskan beach when the sun worshipers are just laying there during their 1100 hour day and all of a sudden the earth just stops.

Can you help us out Al?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...this is truly frightening. My heart rate was ok until I got to the part about Obama being president longer than originally planned. I'm going to get on the phone and call Ashley Judd and Noah Wiley RIGHT NOW! Only they can help!
