Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank God for cable . .

. . .otherwise I'd have to watch 48. You haven't heard of it? It's on every channel. It stars president Obama and, at the rate he's going of at least one press conference every month, in 4 years it'll be 48. I expect the suspense will wear off once people realize how it's going to end.

It's very predictable. Promise the world and deliver very little. Americans today love to be told they can get something for nothing. But in the end that goes against a natural law that just can't be changed. So either Obama raises taxes in an attempt to pay for his historically high spending programs or they just don't happen. And if he raises taxes it'll stymie economic growth so the promises will again be empty. Or he deficit spends and we experience 70's like inflation. All very predictable indeed.

The only thing we can hope for is a dramatic mid season plot change and the American people vote Pelosi and Reid off the show!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Words can be dangerous

No doubt Obama is the master orator - at least when he's reading from a teleprompter. I don't understand why people love it when someone can sweet talk them. I don't know anyone that likes the used car salesmen shtick. But they sure love the fact that Obama is the best at saying nothing. It got him elected.

However, now that he's president, his words really matter. He loves the words fair and reasonable. These are feel good words that can be dangerous. He told those big bad credit card companies that he wants them to make a reasonable profit. Reasonable to whom? Are we going to let the President, or worse yet Congress, set profit levels? I would much rather let the market decide that.

The government is now deciding what banks will survive, what car companies will survive and what cars they will make. And now it's on to credit cards. And Obama's done this in fewer than 100 days! We are moving towards full blown socialism at lightening speed.

The other dangerous word Obama loves to throw around is fair. Again, fair to whom? It sure is a great populist message. I mean who doesn't want a fair tax code? But is it fair that some people pay no taxes while others pay 90% of all taxes? Is it fair that politicians, who help shape the tax code, don't pay their taxes? Well that must be fair since several of these are now in Obama's cabinet.

If we just sit back and do nothing, this administration and Congress will do what they think is reasonable and fair - and none of us can afford that!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What a waste of a person - and a blog

How else would you describe Perez Hilton and his blog? I will not mention the blog's name because I don't want to draw anymore attention to it. But I think this whole Miss USA ordeal needs to be addressed.

I'm pretty neutral on the beauty pageant debate. Since we are in America (and we are still free -so far), if beautiful woman want to compete for a crown - great. If you don't agree, don't watch it and don't support it. But if you are going to go through all the effort to put on the Miss USA Pageant then have dignified, quality judges. Perez Hilton does not qualify on either count.

The guy has a celebrity gossip blog! That qualifies him for nothing. He asked Miss California her opinion on gay marriage and apparently did not like her response. I saw the video clip. Her response was intelligent, well thought out, and said in a way that should have offended no one. Unfortunately for her, it was not the response Hilton wanted and he said it cost her the title.

I'm not even going to tell you what her answer was because it shouldn't matter. Let's see; beauty pageant - beauty, grace, poise, intelligence. Since when does personal opinion and conviction come into play? Perez has continued on today and has thrown obscenities at Miss California. All class this guy! Way to advance your argument you ass.

I find two things disturbing about this whole thing:

First is that this guy can make a career out of this garbage. I can only hope it is a short lived one.

Second, and more importantly, is this growing trend that people cannot speak out. The kooks are running the show right now and anyone that disagrees get eviscerated in the "press".

Something's got to change and it needs to start now.

Wow I wish I would've made my point as well as Andrea Tantaros did. Check out htis link:

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Free speech means free for Everyone

The Main Stream Media decided not to cover the lead up to the Tea Party protests. It was amazing. Not one MSM outlet even mentioned them - CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC nothing. Talk about collusion. Then it's post coverage treated them like they were anti-American, right wing extremist gatherings.

When did the MSM decide the truth wasn't important? The protests were attended by Americans from all political parties. Their angst was about government being too large, too intrusive, and yes high taxes. They were anti-big government which, in my mind, is very pro American!

The MSM loves to promote stories about flag burning, anti-Bush protests, etc, as examples of free speech. But when free speech demonstrations don't mesh with their liberal bias, they are quick to vilify the participants. They should have covered this great story of Americans exercising their first amendment right as just that, even if it suggests their messiah is wrong.

Oh and a second, but just as important, outcome of the tea parties is that the GOP has learned how to grow a grassroots, Internet based movement. This should bode well for future elections.

If they are allowed their first amendment right that is!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I hate this time of year - Part 2

The deadline is tomorrow. Are you ready? Did you eek out every last cent from your tax return? How crazy is this system we have? I just put my returns in the mail today. I don't want to be late. Not only is the tax code way too complicated but we also have to feel intimidated by our own government.

Taxes are a typical example of our government in action. They have so complicated the system that we need not only an entire department (the IRS) but we now have a whole industry of tax preparation experts and software. Imagine what these people will do to health care!

What I hate most though is the hypocrisy. Think about this; we have rich people setting up the rules that are going to tax the rich. Think fox guarding the hen house people. Economic statistics continue to show that in periods of higher tax rates, tax revenue goes down. Now there are two reasons for this. One, high tax rates hurt economic growth so there is less money to tax. Two, the "rich" folks find ways to not pay. The rich in charge are careful to put enough loopholes in for themselves and their contributors.

Warren Buffet himself confirmed this. He was quoted as saying that it's not right that he pays less in taxes then his secretary does. Well who's fault is that? Mr. Buffet I'm sure you are aware that the government will gladly take a check from you at anytime. Or feel free to not claim all your deductions and help this country out. Tell your accountants and lawyers you want to pay your fair share. They'll help you out.

So, as my returns are on their way to the IRS, I'll lay in bed at night wondering if I got my taxes right. Did I maximize my return? Or, did I make a mistake and not pay enough? This will keep me up for a while but then I'll roll over and sleep soundly knowing that, on the off chance I owe back taxes, at least I'll have a place in Obama's cabinet.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I hate this time of year.

One week until "The Deadline" - April 15th, tax day

Why is this day such a dread for millions of Americans? I think we, as a nation, should pay some taxes to support the basic functions of government. Therein lies the first problem - the basic functions of government. Those used to be; provide for the common defense and help lift up the downtrodden.

Now those "basic" functions include funding public radio, abortion, the 'arts', studying cow farts, subsidizing farmers and energy, providing cable TV to inmates, buying banks and corporations, repressing the downtrodden (ie. welfare), supporting illegal immigrants, funding failing schools, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, . . . and now they want to add health care!!

Second, it has to be Fair. What does that mean? Fair to whom. Fair to the people who pay the most or fair to the people who don't pay at all. Fair is a subjective term and is the cause all of the angst in the tax debate.

Third, it is way to freakin' complicated. I'm pretty smart. I got me one of them college educations and I still struggle to figure out the best way for me to pay only what I "owe". When you have to buy tax software to fill out your tax returns you know it is too complicated. When prominent members of the Obama cabinet don't pay their taxes, the system is either too complicated or they're just crooks. I leave that to you to decide.

Our tax system is a joke. But I have one more week to play the game and figure out the best way to pay the least. That's the way they set the game up and that's the way I'm gonna play it.

Gosh I hope that's fair.