Monday, March 9, 2009

The CPAC story the Media missed

I promised myself I wouldn't talk about Rush Limbaugh and his speech at CPAC. I think that story has been beaten to death. We all know that Rush likes to push the envelope when making his point. And that the MSM (main street media) just likes to show bits and pieces to distort the facts. Anyway, what I find very enlightening is the other, more incredible, story that they failed to report.

Have you heard about Jonathan Kohn? Probably not. Why would anybody want to report on a 13 yr old kid that gave a well thought out, intelligent, 3 minute speech in front of the CPAC audience. Oh yeah, he's written a book too. I guess things like Rush and Octomom make such better stories!!

Check out Jonathan's speech. I don 't care where you fall in the political spectrum, this kid is pretty impressive.

I know, it's a little unnerving how Jonathan comes across but remember he is only 13 (OK he turned 14 right after the conference). It is great to see someone so young have an opinion and be able to articulate it. Can you imagine if someone like this spoke at a DNC meeting? It would be front page on the New York Times and Hollywood would be asking for the movie rights.

Fortunately we have the Internet and other numerous outlets so stories like this can now be told. The Main Street Media better figure it out if it wants to stay relevant.

So what did your 14 yr old do today?

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