Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who needs 100 days

I'm not sure when the media and/or the administrations started tracking the first 100 days, and I'm not sure why. I suppose it's yet another indication of how much of a "Gotta have it now" culture we've created. I don't know about you but I don't want a new president rushing through policy decisions just to show progress NOW.

After all that Obama has accomplished so far, I am afraid the trend may be to start looking at the first 50 days. Let's recap. In 50 days or so as president he has:

  • nominated more cabinet members with tax problems than any other president
  • filled fewer administration positions (ask Tim Geitner)
  • spent more money than any president has in their first year!
  • had more parties at the White House
  • broken more campaign promises
  • alienated the minority party
  • talked about raising taxes in a recession
  • setback welfare reform 15 years
  • commented on a talk radio personality
  • given inappropriate gifts to foreign leaders
  • actually gotten Republicans to organize and protest
I don't know what he's going to do for the rest of his term. Instead of change you can believe in it's speed of change you can't believe.

If I was elected to the most powerful position in the world and had as little experience as Obama does, I would focus on only one thing at the beginning.

And I'd pick the economy. But I guess that's just me.

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