Friday, March 6, 2009

Save the Humans

I saw this commercial the other night and I thought it was a Saturday Night Live skit. Then I realized how serious Noah Wyle was (he was almost crying!). It is a WWF (not the wrestlers but the World Wildlife Fund) commercial about saving the polar bears. Now, before the animal lovers start commenting, I am not an animal hater. I think animals have a place in this world. I just think that place is below humans. And I do not believe we appreciably effect climate change so this commercial was a double whammy for me.

Check out the commercial for yourself and let me know what you think.

It's just that we have so many other pressing, serious, issues to worry about and fund. Animal species have gone extinct for as long as they've been on earth. The world survived the dinosaur going extinct. And who doesn't miss the Tasmanian Wolf (in case you didn't know - it's extinct).

I know the polar bear is a cute animal and yes they're fun to go see at the zoo, and yes I'm sure they even serve a purpose in nature (like maybe keeping the seal population down - by eating them). But I really think the world will go on if they don't make it. Mother nature can be a real mother sometime so I don't think we should mess with her.

So if you have that extra $16/month to save a polar bear maybe you can use it to save a human life first - or go to the zoo.

1 comment:

  1. (Enthusiastic applause) As cute and cuddly as they are, polar bears are a link in the food chain, too. I agree with your assessment, Keith. I am sooooo tired of these celebrity endorsements of the Left and their illogical agendas. Why can't these folks just stick to acting in and directing movies?

    What really gets me is how religion cannot be taught in the schools, but the schools are the ones absolutely indoctrinating our kids in matters of the Left, such as global warming, "going green," etc... I can't believe some of the stuff my kids bring home on this topic, yet God apparently has no place on campus.
