Thursday, July 16, 2009

What is the Hurry?

People have tried for over 50 years to reform health care in this country. The last two presidents had 8 years each to do it. So how does Obama think he can get it one in 8 months! And, more importantly, why does it need to get done so fast. Something this massive that will affect all Americans for the rest of their lives deserves good, spirited debate. Obama promised transparency so we, the people, can have a chance to review such new policy. Congress doesn't even read the entire bills they pass now,

So, what's the hurry? Could it be that Obama wants to "sneak" this through? That doesn't sound transparent. Could it be that he knows his popularity is already falling? The last Rasmussen poll I saw (today) shows him at 51% and the trend is downward. At this rate he'll lose the moderate Democrats and he may actually have to accept debate on this legislation.

The latest Congressional Budget Office just released their report that says the current plan making its way through Congress will actually cost MORE than the Dems say it will. There is no credible plan to pay for any of this. Do not think that raising taxes on the top 1% will do it.

Guess where they'll look next.

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