Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Now here's a double standard

OK, Sarah Palin makes headlines again; this time because she stepped down as Governor of Alaska. I don't care what you opinion of her is, why does this bring out the venom from the media? What are they afraid of? What is the infatuation? It is amazing to me how determined they are to bring her down.

A couple days later it is announced that Rep. Patrick Kennedy is returning to Congress after another stint in rehab. Yes, the Kennedy family saga is a modern day tragedy. Of course I think it they have brought much of it on themselves but that's just me.

The point here is where is the outrage that the Rhode Island Democrat had to abandon his constituents. Palin left Alaska in the capable hands of her Lieutenant Governor. Kennedy just left. The people of Rhode Island voted him in so I guess they deserve what they got.

Why hasn't the media talked about Kennedy, his troubles, and his inability to serve? It's great that he went for help and apparently is feeling better, but he was unable to serve. I think there was a story there.

Maybe David Letterman will make a joke about Kennedy during his monologue. Or would that be over the line?

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