Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The United States of . . . Chicago?

Have you heard about Gerald Walpin? Probably not since the main street media won't cover it. He is, was, the Inspector General for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Obama fired him stating that Walpin was disoriented and confused during a meeting. I just saw Mr. Walpin on a TV interview and he seemed to be quite together. Mr. Walpin was investigating Kevin Johnson, mayor of Sacramento, for alleged misuse of federal funds. Kevin Johnson is a big Obama supporter.

This is yet another example of the change Obama has brought to Washington - Chicago style politics. Use intimidation, false statements, character assassination, whatever it takes to get what you want.

And let's not forget that the General Motors bondholders did not want to agree to the government bankruptcy terms but, after a meeting with Obama's people and threats of IRS audits, all of a sudden the bondholders agreed. Now the union has 55% ownership of the company it works for. Gee that ought to go well. It's like giving an alcoholic the keys to the liquor cabinet.

What's even more intersting in the Walpin case is that Obama skirted a law that he backed as an Illinois senator. The law states that the administration is to give Congress 30 days to review such decisions. So go with a diminished capacity charge and get right around that pesky law. Remeber the media and congressinoal outcry when President Bush lawfully fired the attorney generals? It's new day in our nation's capital indeed.

We can only hope we the people wake up before it's too late. There is a glimmer of hope. Just the other day, Bill Maher the HBO liberal "comdedian" host of Real Time, was wondering when Obama is going to do something (although I think he's done quite enough already). Maher even gave Bush a backhanded compliment.

Can those 52% of the nation that voted him be far behind?

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