Monday, June 1, 2009

GM = Government Motors

We've all heard this by now. And while the saying is cute, the situation is far from it. So now I, as a taxpayer, own a part of GM. I own shares in a company I would have never chosen to buy. So much for the free market.

Why did this happen? Because GM was too big to fail. So now the government owns it. Let me remind you again of their track record: Post Office - can't turn a profit, Amtrak - dido, Medicare/Medicaid - don't go there. Can the final GM failure be far behind. We will have spent over $70 BILLION and still are not sure GM will survive. It wold have been cheaper and swifter if the government simply let GM file bankruptcy months ago.

All we can hope for is that Obama stays true to his word. He said he does not want to run GM. I want to believe him but he has made so many false promises already.

People need to start paying attention. This administration will prove that government is not the answer. Big bad capitalism (with all of it's warts) and the ingenuity of the American people will revive and grow our economy.

I just wish I bought Ford stock when I had the chance. I'd be up 400% and own shares of the only US car company left standing.

1 comment:

  1. You may have already read this info on the death of Capitalism, but you might check it out in case you missed it.
