Monday, June 29, 2009

ABC is just Another Barrack Commercial

So much for even trying to look impartial. Last Wednesday ABC devoted the whole day to promoting Obama's health care plan. From Good Morning America to World News Tonight it was a one-sided infomercial expounding the wonders of more government control. The coup de gras was the 90 minute "special" called "Questions for the President: Prescription for America".

There are so many problems with this. Where do I begin? First of all ABC News employees gave 80 times more money to Obama's campaign then they did to John McCain's. Second, ABC refused to take paid ads from critics of O's program. Among the groups turned away - the Republican National Committee and a group called Conservatives for Patients Rights (damn extremists!!)

Third, the program served up softball questions from a pre-selected audience. In 75 minutes of air time 12% was used for questions and Obama talked for 60% of the time. That is not dialogue that's a monologue. The show had no health care experts or Republican congressmen on hand to ask questions.

Fortunately viewers were few and far between as well. The TV ratings for the evening showed that the program came in last among the top three networks. A rerun of CSI:NY even garnered more viewers than Obama.

Looks like America knows good fiction when it sees it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

She will not be upstaged

OK, Michael Jackson passed away today and, I assume, it came as quite a surprise. I know I haven't kept up with him since his fame turned him into more of a freak show than talent show. He was a true talent and entertainer and my thoughts go out to his family, friends, and fans.

What I found more depressing today was the passing of Farrah Fawcett. Yes, she was definitely my grade school (OK high school too) crush. She burst on the scene as a blond bombshell. I can still remember being at K-mart and my dad telling me that "I knew why" I wasn't allowed to have that famous poster. But I did get several others!!

Over her career Farrah rose above her sex symbol image and proved herself a talented actress in works such as The Burning Bed, Extremities, Small Sacrifices, and The Apostle. She received three Emmy nominations and accolades off Broadway. She succumbed to cancer today and dealt with that tragic disease with all the class and strength one could ever expect.

I don't put any entertainer on a pedestal but I know that the rabid media has already forgotten about Farrah and will swamp us with 24/7 coverage of Michael. Farrah conducted herself with grace and class and I just wanted to acknowledge that.

We also lost Ed McMahon this week. He was a man who entertained me more than Michael ever did.

OK, now back to the media circus . . .

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The United States of . . . Chicago?

Have you heard about Gerald Walpin? Probably not since the main street media won't cover it. He is, was, the Inspector General for the Corporation for National and Community Service. Obama fired him stating that Walpin was disoriented and confused during a meeting. I just saw Mr. Walpin on a TV interview and he seemed to be quite together. Mr. Walpin was investigating Kevin Johnson, mayor of Sacramento, for alleged misuse of federal funds. Kevin Johnson is a big Obama supporter.

This is yet another example of the change Obama has brought to Washington - Chicago style politics. Use intimidation, false statements, character assassination, whatever it takes to get what you want.

And let's not forget that the General Motors bondholders did not want to agree to the government bankruptcy terms but, after a meeting with Obama's people and threats of IRS audits, all of a sudden the bondholders agreed. Now the union has 55% ownership of the company it works for. Gee that ought to go well. It's like giving an alcoholic the keys to the liquor cabinet.

What's even more intersting in the Walpin case is that Obama skirted a law that he backed as an Illinois senator. The law states that the administration is to give Congress 30 days to review such decisions. So go with a diminished capacity charge and get right around that pesky law. Remeber the media and congressinoal outcry when President Bush lawfully fired the attorney generals? It's new day in our nation's capital indeed.

We can only hope we the people wake up before it's too late. There is a glimmer of hope. Just the other day, Bill Maher the HBO liberal "comdedian" host of Real Time, was wondering when Obama is going to do something (although I think he's done quite enough already). Maher even gave Bush a backhanded compliment.

Can those 52% of the nation that voted him be far behind?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

How Biz-Czar!!

In 5 months as president, Obama has appointed 21 Czars for various causes. This far surpasses the number of appointments by past presidents over 4 or 8 years. Does anyone care about this? Here the trouble as I see it:

  • Obama is expanding government even more by adding new positions
  • He is circumventing the balance of power (and constitution) by appointing people to fictitious posts with no opportunity for congressional debate or vote.
  • He is rewarding his campaign supporters by giving them comfy posts inside the administration.

Take your pick, I don't know which of these points is most egregious.

He has appointed a friend and Chicago activist to be the czar of the Great Lakes. I thought we already had the EPA to oversee this. He has appointed a czar to oversee executive pay. Great, so now the government has more control over this too. There's a car czar to make sure the the car companies bow to the government's whim.

Besides these czars there are also these:

CyberSpace Czar
Technology Czar
Drug Czar
Copyright Czar
Climate Czar
Energy Czar
Health Care Czar
WMD Czar
Education Czar
Economic Czar
Housing Czar
Mortgage Czar

Again does this bother anyone?

Isn't czar a Russian word? How appropriate!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

GM = Government Motors

We've all heard this by now. And while the saying is cute, the situation is far from it. So now I, as a taxpayer, own a part of GM. I own shares in a company I would have never chosen to buy. So much for the free market.

Why did this happen? Because GM was too big to fail. So now the government owns it. Let me remind you again of their track record: Post Office - can't turn a profit, Amtrak - dido, Medicare/Medicaid - don't go there. Can the final GM failure be far behind. We will have spent over $70 BILLION and still are not sure GM will survive. It wold have been cheaper and swifter if the government simply let GM file bankruptcy months ago.

All we can hope for is that Obama stays true to his word. He said he does not want to run GM. I want to believe him but he has made so many false promises already.

People need to start paying attention. This administration will prove that government is not the answer. Big bad capitalism (with all of it's warts) and the ingenuity of the American people will revive and grow our economy.

I just wish I bought Ford stock when I had the chance. I'd be up 400% and own shares of the only US car company left standing.