Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thank god that's over

Well the Notre Dame commencement speech has come and gone and I have to give some credit to the school. I will never agree that ND should have given Obama an honorary degree but at least the school and students handled it with class. The story lines here were many. Here are the important ones as I see them:
  • A Catholic university should not give a degree to someone who has displayed blatant disregard for a basic tenant of the church
  • People have a right to protest when they do not agree with such things
  • That right is only to be extended to peaceful, respectful protesting
  • The president of the United States deserves to be treated with respect
  • This includes all presidents (including George W Bush)

I think it is great that ND kept all of the media off campus. The live feed of the ceremony was carried by ND TV. I am sure that all those news channel producers and talking heads are bumming. There is no more story. Obama came, he gave his usual eloquent, sometimes humorous, and always well rehearsed speech.

The swine flu story is fizzling, and now this is over. What will the media cover next?

Hey, there's always Nancy Pelosi - go get her!


  1. I really like your placid assessment of the commencement speech. As you know, I had myself in a tizzy over the whole thing, so I'm glad it is now behind us. I've been left wondering how there can be so many sides to the "freedom of speech" thing, however, and how there can be so many double standards. is what it is, right?

  2. Hey there Keith... nice site.

    I don't disagree with anything that you are saying here. I think that it is actually a sign of hope that 2 entities that know they don't agree on something can actually still talk rationally and not totally hate each other. As you know I like ND and I did vote for the "socialist" that you don't care for... much respect to both for going through with the commencement speech.

    I've never agreed with honorary degrees at all, no matter who is giving them out or who is receiving them. I worked my ass off for mine & don't like the idea of anyone getting one for free.

    And yes - HUGE props to ND for keeping the blood-sucking media off of campus for the event.
