Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why aren't we calling it a terrorist attack?

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan entered a medical facility at Fort Hood, shouted "Allahu akbar" then started gunning down American troops. 13 dead, 29 wounded. Obama says we can't be quick to rush to judgement. Well I agree with that but now that there is overwhelming evidence proving he was a terrorist, we can judge. Yelling "Allahu akbar" was just the last clue.

Our intelligence agencies found e-mails he sent to known al-Qaida imams and operatives. Hasan denounced the "war on terror" as a war against Islam, and said Muslims should attack Americans in retaliation for the war in Iraq. He had openly denounced non-Muslims and had reportedly said they should be beheaded and have burning oil poured down their throats. I am not an intelligence expert but these seem like signs that should have made this guy a person of interest!

The media is saying he was under incredible stress and this may have caused him to snap. What stress? He was never in combat, never left Ft Hood. Hasan had business cards. They didn't mention his military grade but had SOA and SWT under his name. These are not military acronyms. SOA is short for "Soldier (or Slave) of Allah" and SWT is short for "Subhanahu Wa Ta'all," which means "glory to God".

It is frightening that our military and intelligence agencies missed all these signs. But why can't it now be called a terrorist attack? Just maybe it's because of politics. This would be the first attack on US soil since 9/11. Terrorist acts don't have to knock down buildings and steal thousands of innocent lives. This act was heinous and was a cool, collected, and vicious attack on our soldiers; and America.

Hopefully the evidence will force the media and Obama to call it what it was. This is absolutely no time for politics.

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