Thursday, October 29, 2009

Let me get this straight

New Orleans gets hit with Katrina, a hurricane that is bigger than anything we'd seen before. The state of Louisiana initially refuses federal help and people refused to leave their homes. And it was still all President Bush's fault. It was because he hates black people, remember?

But now, after knowing for quite awhile that the H1N1 flu had pandemic potential, we still don't have enough vaccine. Where is the outrage that the Obama administration was not prepared?

Does Obama hate sick people? Maybe it's part of their government health care takeover plan. Let people get sick and then they'll need insurance- very shrewd - actually too shrewd for this group.

Even Fox News, the "enemy" of Obama and his administration, isn't placing blame. And of course the Main Street Media won't touch this.

Finally, fair and balance reporting!

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