Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome to 3 Goals 3 Investments

Well this is cool. This is my first blog so please hang in with me as I improve and add content that adds value to your life. My blog is intended to bring insight in the areas of your health, wealth, and happiness. But, like most blogs, this one will be an extension of the author's (me) personality, beliefs, and insights. I will always welcome comments but reserve the right to comment back.

Since we are at a critical time in our country's history, I will not be able to stay away from politics - I like politics. I will welcome healthy debate but ask for civility and respect for all who join our conversation. I consider myself a moderate, although most people that know me would suggest I'm a conservative. I admit that, as I sit on the moderate fence, I will fall to the right much more often than to the left no matter which way the wind blows. If you think that makes me a conservative then so be it, but I believe labels like that extend across a very wide spectrum.

OK, so in the spirit of full disclosure, I did not vote for Barrack Obama. Whether I am moderate or conservative, his politics don't match mine. I believe the mainstream media did not do its self prescribed job of vetting him before the election and I am wary of how they'll cover him going forward. So I will, on many occasions, provide my own coverage of him. My first comment is that he won the popular vote by a 52% to 48% margin so I do not believe he has the mandate he likes to think he does.

Of course this whole stimulus mess and the economy in general will impact your wealth so I will be commenting on them as soon as the final package is approved. I will discuss how you can take advantage of it and I'll also tell you what scares me about it.

Again, welcome to the 3 Goals 3 Investments. I do believe health, wealth, and happiness go hand in hand and I will introduce you to ways you can balance all three so you can be more successful in your life. So I hope you'll join me on this journey.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! As one who knows you, I can be one of those who suggests that you're more toward the conservative side than the moderate. You're just too humble to admit it! Keep up the good work, Bags!

  2. As Mia said above (smart lady, she follows my blog lol), welcome to blogging. It's a lot of fun and considerably cheaper than therapy. Not voting for Obama not does necessarily make you a conservative, although I agree you appear to be at least a little to the right, it just means you still have a few brain cells to rub together. Conservative or liberal, he was a bad idea for the country.

    Welcome and see you around.
