Monday, February 16, 2009

Just look in the mirror

Oh I love when current events play into my philosophy!!! So Congress pushes through the stimulus bill. Great. It is filled with more pork than a Texas barbecue. What's worse is that most of the jobs it may create are government jobs (supposedly temporary but we know better).

We have got to stop looking to the government to provide for the people. Entitlements will bring down our democracy and we are fast becoming a nation of entitlements. I think it is ironic that one of the most famous inaugural speech quotes "...ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country" came from JFK - a Democratic president. My how far we've come! As Obama stumped for this "stimulus" package, I heard too many people asking "How can you help us?"

It is time to help yourself. This blog is committed to helping people who are willing to do just that. Assuming you are an adult, only you are responsible for you. If you are not on board for that then there is no need to check back here anytime soon.

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