Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Too many damn people

As Thanksgiving Day approaches I look forward to our yearly tradition of 30 or so of my favorite in-laws celebrating with us at our house. It is always fun. I also enjoy the inevitable political discussions I will have with my father-in-law. He used to get me with the old “It’s not fair to the poor” argument. I silenced him with my eventual reply (several years in the making) of “you’re right it’s not – it sucks to be poor. Let’s help them not be poor”.

I am expecting him to have new ammo for me this year so I figure I need a new comeback. I’m going to go with there are just “Too many damn people”. Let’s see how he responds to that! Let’s look at some facts:

The world population is up to 7 billion and still growing. The US population is up to 300 million, probably doesn’t include several million illegal immigrants, and is still growing. So you see it’s an easy and effective argument killer.

Climate change
We’re using up all of our planet’s resources. We’re producing too many greenhouse gasses.

Too many damn people

We’re using too many fossil fuels.  Gas prices are too high.  Alternative energy can’t fulfill our needs.

Too many damn people

The National Debit
We have too many entitlement recipients - Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid – people are living too long.

Too many damn people

Not too few jobs but, you guessed it –

Too many damn people

Wow, this may work for any argument. The important thing about this comeback is that no one, and I mean no one, will be willing to say out loud the one thing that will defeat the reasoning. Why? Because they’ll have to admit we need to eliminate a billion or so people worldwide and put in population controls. That would stop the dinner conversation wouldn’t it? Only China is allowed to do that.

So after this year’s engaging Thanksgiving discussions, and all the relatives have left our house, I expect my daughters will be complaining about cleaning up the mess. And you know what I’m going to say . . .

Too many damn people

All the best to you and yours this Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

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