Monday, October 3, 2011

So now he's a racist!

I watched in amazement the last couple of years as the Republicans put forth female candidates.  I thought that the enlightened, forward thinking (dare I say progressive) liberal media would have given them a fair shake.  And the equal rights touting, bra burning NOWers would have as well.  I was quite surprised at the backlash they all received.  The incredible furor of Sarah Palin could not be matched but they sure tried with Michelle Bachmann.  I am in no way endorsing either woman but the vitriol and biased reporting stunned me.

So you would think I would not be surprised when this same "enlightened" group went after Herman Cain so quickly.  But alas I was.  The moment Cain showed significant positive movement in the polls, the hate and fear mongers came out, and came out loud.  Janeane Garofalo was quick to talk nonsense about Cain being paid to run to hide the Republican racist agenda.  She couldn't give a black man credit for being his own man with his own ideas?  And who's the racist?

Then Democratic strategist Cornell Belcher (whoever he is) called Herman Cain a racist because he suggested that the African American community was brainwashed into voting for Obama.  Ok maybe Herman should have said fooled into voting for Obama (like half of America was) but still - a racist?  I tried to give liberals (and the press that covers them) the benefit of the doubt once - but not anymore.  They will use any tactic they can, no matter how low, to discredit a challenger to the Messiah.  All this even after Obama has repeatedly shown he does not, nor never did, walk on water.

Just remember - when you are discussing politics with someone, and they throw the racist term in your face - you've won.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome points, Keith, and beautifully written. The "racist" thing reminds me of my theory on control freaks. When someone accuses someone else of being a control freak, it's because (s)he know(s) one when (s)he sees one!
