Sunday, July 11, 2010

We're number - 30?

Have you heard this one?  A high school in suburban Houston named 30 valedictorians this year.  That's about 6 1/2 % of the class.  Is it just me or is this ridiculous?  The Valedictorian is supposed to be the best - The MVP, Numeral Uno, top of the heap.  You can only have one of these!!!!

So what caused this?  I'm sure grade inflation played a big part.  And you know that all students are gifted now right?  Ask any parent.  And of course the PC crowd spouts that we can't single out the true achievers because it'll "harm" the lesser achievers.  My home town has done away with the "My kid is an honor student" bumper stickers because it's not fair to those who aren't. 

This is a dangerous trend.  We must recognize and encourage success.  This is how real life works.  We no longer keep score at kids sporting events.  We give everyone a trophy just for showing up.  How does this prepare a child for that first real job?  They're going to expect to get every promotion, every raise without having to earn it.  They will have the false belief that life is fair.

The same trend is showing up nationally.  We should embrace America's exceptionalism.  We should strive to be the best country in the world not just average.

So go ahead and be the best you can be.  Hopefully you'll be recognized for it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! They gave me a medal at the Cleveland marathon just for finishing... I thought it was fair.
