Monday, March 1, 2010

Only in Washington!!

Where else can you take a word like Reconciliation and make it divisive? It is simply ironic, oxy-moronish, and ludicrous. Webster's dictionary defines Reconciliation as:

a : restoring to friendship or harmony
b : settle, resolve

If the Democrats decide to push through an unpopular healthcare bill (that poll after poll shows the American people don't want) by using this arcane motion than they should call it irreconciliation. Congress will have failed us. Our country works best when we compromise.

But Obama has too much at stake. There are two reasons that he got himself into this situation. First is that he is an intellectual and, as such, he thinks he knows what’s best for all of us. Second, his only leadership experience before becoming president was being a community organizer. In a small community he could affect the majority of the people and ‘sway’ them to see his point of view. Our country is too vast and our people too varied (and smart) for this to work.

Since Obama is actually a president-in-training, and has surrounded himself with equally inexperienced people, he needs to start with smaller initiatives. Taking control of 1/6th of our economy is a daunting task for even the most experienced of leaders.

Now is the time to pay close attention to how our elected officials act. If they throw public opinion out the window and shove this catastrophic bill down our throats then we need to be committed to throwing the bums out in November. It will be the most important vote in your lifetime.

And it’s what I would call reconciliation!!

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