Thursday, October 29, 2009

Let me get this straight

New Orleans gets hit with Katrina, a hurricane that is bigger than anything we'd seen before. The state of Louisiana initially refuses federal help and people refused to leave their homes. And it was still all President Bush's fault. It was because he hates black people, remember?

But now, after knowing for quite awhile that the H1N1 flu had pandemic potential, we still don't have enough vaccine. Where is the outrage that the Obama administration was not prepared?

Does Obama hate sick people? Maybe it's part of their government health care takeover plan. Let people get sick and then they'll need insurance- very shrewd - actually too shrewd for this group.

Even Fox News, the "enemy" of Obama and his administration, isn't placing blame. And of course the Main Street Media won't touch this.

Finally, fair and balance reporting!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

When you least expect it. . .

. . . life can certainly throw you a curveball. On Sept 17th I experienced an aortic dissection which I learned can be quite fatal. Up until that moment I thought I was a relatively healthy 47 year old. The inner wall of my ascending aorta ruptured and blood stop flowing to most of my right side. Fortunately I received help and had open heart surgery on early morning, Sept 18th. Complications ensued and I got to enjoy a second open heart surgery six days later.

I will spare you guys all the other gory details. Suffice it to say I am rehabbing now but on but am supposed to still severely limit my activity.

I have gone through the usual range of emotions that such an event conjures up. I don’t want to get too sappy but this event has made me appreciate everything I have in life. I realized that I have a great family. My wife has been so strong and supportive during this ordeal that I can’t believe how lucky I am. Every day when I see my three girls I again realize that I’m a lucky guy.

The other, most amazing, thing I’ve come to appreciate is the love and support I have received from my family and friends. Besides all their thoughts and prayers, they have provided the support my wife and I needed to get through this. Meals just kept showing up at our door, the chores around the house got done, and I have had plenty of company while I recuperate.

I now often think about the last line from It’s a Wonderful Life – “No man is a failure who has friends” (and family).