Monday, August 17, 2009

So I go on vacation . . .

For a nice full week. I purposely avoided the news and enjoyed the time with my family. Now that I'm back I see that not much has changed. In the spirit of government run programs, the Cash for Clunkers program was woefully under funded so Congress simply appropriates another $2B (that's billion).

This doesn't bode well for government run health care. I see that Obama is still pushing hard but even he is now willing to sacrifice some of the liberals core principles. And I see that the good people of this country that oppose this massive expansion of government are now considered radicals.

So, as I said, not much has changed. But this story really bothers me -

The kids were hanging posters of Obama with his face painted like a clown. Now the only "crime" I can fathom is vandalism. I'm not too up on such laws but I know I see posters of all kinds of things on telephone poles and bulletin boards, etc. The fact that Florida police are gathering suspects and evidence and possibly looking to make arrests frightens me.

As much as I abhor the the thought of someone burning an American flag, I will defend their right to do so. Freedom of speech needs to be held sacred and that's all speech.

Where was the outrage when people made pictures of George Bush with a little Hitler mustache? Where was the outrage when took out a full page ad calling a great general General Betray Us?

And don't even get me started on this whole rat-out-your-friends-to-the-White-house via e-mail if they dare speak out against health care reform. I see that e-mail link is no longer available. Maybe they're learning.

Now there's change I can believe in.

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