Thursday, January 19, 2012

You are what you do

They say you are what you eat but my recent experience has me believing my slogan more. I had open heart surgery on 11/30 and have been recovering ever since. It kind of beats the crap out of you so you don't do much for six+ weeks.  That made me a very boring person.

We are a collection of our experiences. So while I sat here all this time with my only experiences being catching up on Everybody Loves Raymond and the incessant Law and Order marathons, I found it hard to engage in meaningful conversations with family and friends.

I had a valid excuse to be a couch potato but once I recover - watch out world. I can't wait to re-engage you. I'm sure I've been called a lot of things in my life but boring was never one of them. I aim to make sure it stays that way.

Unfortunately my re-emergence will be delayed because I have to go back in the hospital for two follow up surgeries but at least now I have something to look forward to!