Sunday, March 13, 2011

We can't let the Inmates run the Asylum

Let 'em protest.

The Wisconsin, Indiana, and Ohio budget/union battles have been good fodder for the media.  Just once I wish they would talk about the real issue.  It is not an attack on all unions - only pubic worker unions.  It is not an attack on the working class.  In fact, the working class pays the public workers salaries and benefits.  This legislation will help the working class.  It is incestuous to think that the workers can elect the bosses they would then "negotiate" with.  FDR knew this was a bad idea and said so.  Samuel Gompers, one of the fathers of labor unions, said that public workers should not be allowed to unionize.

Lock 'em out.

The fight between the haves and haves in the NFL and NBA is just as illustrative.  First of all, they are fighting over billions of dollars so can either side really lose?  But remember - that money is part of a free market and paid by choice by the sponsors and fans.  Can/should the workers (athletes) call the shots?  The owners are the business men and women who created the market.  There are more people that can run, jump, throw, and catch then there are that can build multi-billion dollar markets.

Of course workers will object when they can no longer call the shots or, worse yet, feel something is being taken away.  What's gotten lost is that they should not have had those things in the first place.

There are only two choices:   Either the market and business owners make the rules or the government does.  I believe in free markets and capitalism so I prefer the former.  But in no way can the workers make the rules.  There are enough organizations, agencies and laws to protect workers.  There is also enough choice and opportunity that workers who feel oppressed can move on or start their own venture. 

Once they're the owner they'll probably feel different about the whole situation.