Monday, January 10, 2011

It's the Sticks & Stones. . .

Remember the old adage?  . . . they'll break your bones but words will never hurt you.  Tell that to the main stream media.  I watched in total sadness the news of the shootings in Tuscon.  And I also watched in total disgust how the MSN instantly tried to make this about political speech.  They didn't have any facts yet but they just couldn't miss out on a chance to take advantage of a tragedy.  Yet after the Fort Hood shootings they were all quick to say we can't jump to conclusions (about motive or Muslim influence) because the guy was mentally unstable.  There is no proof that political rhetoric had anything to do with what happened in Tuscon.

The responsibility lies solely with the Jack Wagon (I'm not going to print his name) that did the shooting.  OK, some of the blame should go to his parents and anyone else "close" to him.  But it's not about vitriolic speech or gun laws.  It is about a guy who is lost, crazy, or whatever and nobody noticing.  I never used to like Hilary Clinton's line that "It takes a Village" because I think it takes a family.  But I can appreciate that not everyone has a supportive family and may need the village to take notice.  In this case both failed.  But in the end it all comes back to personal responsibility. 

But no, now the liberals want to monitor and censor free speech.  It is just like with terrorism; if we let it change who we are as a nation then the terrorists win.  And I always find it interesting what they want to ban. 

They will wholly defend our right to burn the American flag or display provocative art.  But, if they had their way, we wouldn't be able to say we are going to target a person or district as part of political discourse?  Absurd.  Maybe they should talk to their entertainment industry cohorts and work to reduce the violence in TV, movies, and video games - or at least not to glorify it.  That effects society more than a heated debate. 

So sorry MSN, it is not Sarah Palin's fault, it is not Rush's or Glenn's or Fox News.  It is a failure of respect for human life and that is what we should all work to get back.

To all of the victims and families of the victims - God Bless you all and our prayers are with you.