Tuesday, November 16, 2010

111 reasons. . . and still counting

So if Obamacare is so darn good why have 111 companies asked for, and received, one year waivers?  They don't have to participate.  There are some pretty big companies, unions, and insurers.  You can find a list of these exempt companies on the Department of Health & Human Services website at http://www.hhs.gov/ociio/regulations/approved_applications_for_waiver.html .

This opens up the discussion to so many questions:

Who decides what companies get one?
Why do companies need one?
How does this affect the companies forced to participate?
Wasn't this supposed to be better?
Wasn't this supposed to drive down costs?
Why has the MSN not picked up on this story?
Just what was the hurry?
How do we apply?

This whole fiasco explains the results of the mid-term elections.  First of all read the damn bill before you vote.  Second - Government is best that governs least and, third, fast government is bad government.  Repeal this crap then give me:

Gridlock Sweet Gridlock.