Thursday, April 29, 2010

A "Profile" in Courage

Guess that new Arizona illegal immigration law has caused quite a stir heh?  I think the best outcome from Arizona's courageous attempt to control the crisis is that it has re-ignited the debate.  I still don't get what part of "illegal" people don't get.  They are not simply undocumented immigrants, they have entered the US illegally!  We are a free nation but we are also a nation of laws.  To be a functioning society we need to obey the laws and punish those who don't.

I do not purport to have any answers here but I know that no politician wants to tackle this issue. The far left wants amnesty for all.  The far right says throw them all out.  I suspect the answer lies somewhere in the middle but none of our leaders have the courage to take a stand.  The key is to have open, honest debate (something seriously lacking in DC today).  For example:
  • There are cries that the new law violates the illegal's rights.  How about this - not US citizens, then not entitled to US rights.
  • It will lead to profiling.  We all profile everyday - get over it.  Advertisers target (aka profile) their audience all the time.  A father will profile his daughter's date choices (trust me on this one).  Maybe if the TSA was allowed to profile they'd leave the 80 yr old grandma alone and pay attention to the guy with a fuse sticking out of his pants.
  • People shouldn't have to prove their citizenship.  I'm guessing the people saying this have never traveled to another country.  First rule - don't lose your passport.
I applaud Arizona's attempt to control their border.  And by the way, their law does not differ much from the federal law that is currently not being enforced.  That's why the state had to take matters into their on hands.  I'm sure a liberal judge or two out there will shoot this law down.

But hey, at least we're all talking about it.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

College - at what cost?

My oldest daughter is a junior in high school so this was a good time to spend spring break looking at colleges. I had heard all of the horror stories about how tuition costs have increased much more than the inflation rate. I choose to ignore this fact until now when I can't anymore.

First up was the school that I went to. It's a private school so of course tuition is even higher. When I went there costs averaged about $9,000/yr. When I graduated I got a job paying $28,000. So my 4 year education cost was 130% of my first year salary. Today that education will cost $40,000/yr. My comparable starting salary would be $60,000. So that 4 year education will now cost 267% of that first year salary! And that's assuming you can get your kid in and out in 4 years. All of our tour guide students seemed to be on the 5 to 7 year plan. We also went to several state schools and I'm confident the numbers are similar.

So is today's education twice as good as the one I got? I didn't hear much from the schools on how they've improved the education. All I heard about was how all the dorms are are conditioned and have cable TV. And the highlight of each tour was the new recreation building with rock walls and lazy rivers.

Maybe we should shelve all the talk about healthcare, taxes and redistribution of wealth and address this education issue. It dwarfs all that other stuff.

We were smart (and lucky) enough to start saving for the kids education early on. It ain't gonna cover it all but at least we should be able to make it work. Of course, since we had the wherewithal to save we won't be eligible for any financial aid. Maybe we would have been better off taking better vacations all these years and buying a bigger house.

The progressives always talk about giving the poor a better chance at success. There's no better place to start than education. We all agree that college grads do better in the real world so shouldn't we work on keeping the cost of higher education down for everybody?

Now that’s change I could believe in.