Monday, September 7, 2009

There really are two Americas

And I don't mean rich and poor or black and white. We now have an incredible political divide. Don't blame the average American citizen- blame the media. I watch both the Main Street Media (MSM) and that "radical" FOX network to try to measure this divide and all I can tell you is that it's growing. During the Bush years (and even during Clinton's) at least the media covered the same stories. They put a different spin on them based on their political leanings but at least they covered them. Now they don't even cover the same stories (at least not until they have to in order to stay relevant).

The Van Jones debacle is the latest example. Fox News breaks the story that this Czar has said and done things in the recent past that make him unfit to be anywhere near the president of the United States. No other MSM outlet would cover this story until it grew to a size where they could no longer ignore it. So now they report it but put on pundits that call conservatives radicals, extremists and even racists because they want to hold a guy accountable for his past actions.

The tea party coverage is another glaring example. This is a significant movement and a great example of democracy in action but you don't hear much about it in the MSM. And when you do it's those extremists and radicals again. Funny, they look like regular old Americans to me. I don't remember the MSM calling Cindy Sheehan a radical while she camped outside Bush's ranch. (hum, I wonder where she is now and where is her outrage is over the Afghanistan war - but that's another discussion). Let's see how the MSM covers the tea party express as it descends on Washington, DC on September 12th.

The media in this country simply is not doing its job very well anymore. People obviously have personal biases. They need to recognize them and make an extra effort to offset them and provide balanced reporting.

There was a time when the media looked out for the people by watching the government. Now they look out for the government by watching the people. (Thanks Ann for that one)